
Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex [ATNR]

  • Stimulus: neck position

  • Can be tested in supine or sitting

  • Response: Neck turns right followed by extension of right arm and flexion of left arm (and vice versa)

  • Same pattern seen in the LE, where the right leg extends and left leg flexes (and vice versa)

  • Age range: 0-4-6 months

  • Functional implications: not able to crawl or roll over; hand-eye coordination

Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex [STNR]

  • Stimulus: neck flexion or extension

  • Can be tested in sitting or quadruped

  • Response: When neck is extended, the arms will extend and LE will flex

  • When neck is flexed, the arms will flex and the LE will extend

  • Age range: 4-6 months

  • Functional implications: inability to reach for objects, difficulty writing & reading, poor posture

Tonic Labyrinth Reflex [TLR]

  • Stimulus: position of the body

  • Can be tested in prone or supine with head midposition, ask client to stand from the position

  • Response: identification of flexion and extension of extremities; identify tone of muscle (increase); look for gravity balance & head control (negative result = reflex is not present)

  • Age range: 4-6 months

  • Functional implications: difficulty with balance & coordination; weak muscle tone; toe walking

Grasp Reflex

  • Stimulus: pressure in palm of hand (medial border)

  • Can be tested in supine

  • Response: flexing of fingers; grasping the stimulus object

  • Age range: 3, 4 months

  • Functional implications: immature pencil grip, difficulty with cup handles

  • Associated Reactions

  • Stimulus: any movement or position (e.g. squeezing an object)

  • Can be tested in any position

  • Response: opposite hand will mimic the other hand

  • Age range: mostly in small children (with time the reflex will be integrated in the CNS); adults that suffered a brain injury (e.g. hemiplegia due to stroke)

  • Functional implications: difficulty performing ADL’S, IADL’S, etc

Neck Righting

  • Stimulus: moving of the head

  • Can be tested supine; ask client to face up and turn head right and left while UE & LE are extended

  • Response: positive (+) indicates that the body is following the head movement

  • Age range: 0-6 months

  • Functional implications: difficulty with balance, safety issues

Protective Extensions

  • Stimulus: displacing body forward, sideways and backwards

  • Can be tested in sitting position, kneeling, or sitting on a medicine ball

  • Response: client will use hands to stabilize

  • Age range: 6 months - death

  • Functional implications: safety issues, injury from falls

Equilibrium Reactions

  • Stimulus: rocking client

  • Can be tested in sitting, kneeling, or standing

  • Response: automatic movements to maintain balance, position of head and body; protective reactions

  • Functional implications: injury from falls, safety issues

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