Distance Visual Acuity


  • Use the Snellen Chart

  • Position chart at a distance of 10 feet in front of client

  • Chart needs to be positioned at client’s eye level

  • Avoid placing the chart on a busy wall or on a glass window/door

  • Do not stand next to the chart while assessing the client

  • Practitioner should use a cheat sheet during assessment

  • Test one eye, other eye, and both eyes

  • Instruct the client to read the chart starting largest to smallest letters

  • Practitioner should observe for sequencing errors, letters reversal, and reading right to left


  • Normal = 20/20 ( the smallest line a person with normal acuity can read at a distance of 20%)

  • Legal blind = 20/200

  • VA driving = 20/40

  • Acuity is represented as a fraction, with the distance as the numerator and the normal maximal legible viewing distance as the denominator

  • Any mistake will be recorded as -1 (e.g. 20/40 -3 uncorrected)


  • The ability to detect features in different contrasts

  • Measure ability to detect black car on white snowbank

  • Client is seated during assessment

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